Care Sourcer has improved 

Care Sourcer will deliver increased local exposure for your care business, with considerably less time and effort needed from your side.

Thanks to our provider user testing, we know that you want to connect with clients more easily and quickly. We’ve listened and spent months upgrading Care Sourcer with your needs at the heart of our new service.

What’s new on the Care Sourcer website?

We now offer an easier-to-access, more varied service to people looking for care –  resulting in a lot more exposure for your business with less effort required.

People looking for care can now connect with your business in two ways:

Via our searchable online directory

Potential clients can now enter their postcode on the Care Sourcer website and instantly see the profiles of local care providers, including rating, prices, photos, contact details and more. You can expect to receive a higher volume of enquiries coming from Care Sourcer due to this online directory.

Care Sourcer directory of example search results

Via a direct request for a care quote

For clients in urgent need, our team of care experts will guide them to create an online care request. You’ll be alerted by email and can respond with a personalised offer of care. While you may now receive a lower volume of requests, you’ll know that requests are verified and urgent enquiries.

1. More telephone enquiries

There’s no barrier to clients seeing your contact details – all they need to do is enter their postcode and hit ‘Search’

2. Better visibility to local potential clients

By analysing the postcodes of your current clients, we are able to put your profile page higher up the search results when someone is looking for care in an area relevant to you.

3. Easily stand out from the competition

Whether it’s your regulatory rating, staff photos or specialist services, you can create a profile page that really stands out from the crowd and will attract enquiries.

4. The power of our online advertising behind you

Our paid advertising campaigns mean all it takes is a couple of clicks for self-funded clients to find your business.

5. Client insights

You can see the number of times your business has appeared in search results, the contact you’ve had from clients and the number of visits to your website in your Care Sourcer dashboard.

How else will Care Sourcer save you time?

Before, all client enquiries through Care Sourcer required care providers to write a detailed offer in response. This was time consuming for both people looking for care, and care providers. 

Now, clients can see care provider information straight away in their profile page and can immediately make contact via email or telephone.

If the needs of the client are more urgent, our team of care experts will guide them to send an online request for a quote to multiple providers. Now, when you receive an online request for a quote through Care Sourcer, you’ll know this is a verified and urgent enquiry.

Finally, we know that care providers want to be able to differentiate their businesses. Your detailed profile page can be easily updated by you to show photos, specialisms, ratings, price and more.


How do I see my new profile page?
Go to and do a search using the postcode of your registered office. You’ll see your business profile page in the search results.

The price on my profile page is wrong – how do I change it?
To change the price that appears on your profile page, login to your profile and update this figure.

Why is the phone number on my profile page different to the usual phone number for my business?
In order to track the calls made and list them in your client insights dashboard, we use a third-party communications platform that generates trackable phone numbers. This trackable phone number forwards to your usual business enquiry number (you can check if your usual business enquiry number is correct in your profile).

How are the search results in the online directory sorted?
When a potential client searches using a postcode, the default highest results will be providers who have the most clients in the area of that postcode. If a care provider doesn’t have any clients yet, the results will reflect the postcode of the registered office of the care provider. People can also filter their search results on regulatory rating or price.

Why does the ‘Request a call back’ button on my profile page not work?
We’re working hard to get this feature enabled and will let you know as soon as it is live!